Terms and Conditions

Intellectual Property


The BreatheMedical® Trademark is registered and protected by trademark law and intellectual property regulations. Please do not use this mark without first clarifying permission from its owners.

Any use of this ‘trademark’ or ‘term’ (without our permission) in relation to a service and/ or product is a direct breach of our intellectual property rights and shall be enforced to the full extent and support of the law.

Branding and Imagery

The BreatheMedical® Trademark is part of our brand recognition and is protected under trademark law. If you wish to reproduce the logos/ imagery in any medium/ format, please contact us directly with a clear outline of the image, purpose, and context.

All website content is published and protected under copyright.
We use technology that seeks out copies of this content. Use of such content without permission breaches Breathe Medical® rights and may be enforced. Please request before reposting content. Re-posting blog and post articles is permitted provided the source is clearly cited and a trackback link is included (Please Note: a ‘nofollow’ trackback is of little value and hence will be deemed as no trackback).